Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from Contrastive Explanations 

Andi Peng, Belinda Z. Li, Ilia Sucholutsky, Nishanth Kumar, Julie A. Shah, Jacob Andreas, Andreea Bobu

Many approaches to robot learning begin by inferring a reward function from a set of human demonstrations. To learn a good reward, it is necessary to determine which features of the environment are relevant before determining how these features should be used to compute reward. End-to-end methods for joint feature and reward learning (e.g., using deep networks or program synthesis techniques) often yield brittle reward functions that are sensitive to spurious state features. By contrast, humans can often generalizably learn from a small number of demonstrations by incorporating strong priors about what features of a demonstration are likely meaningful for a task of interest. How do we build robots that leverage this kind of background knowledge when learning from new demonstrations? This paper describes a method named ALGAE (Adaptive Language-Guided Abstraction from [Contrastive] Explanations) which alternates between using language models to iteratively identify human-meaningful features needed to explain demonstrated behavior, then standard inverse reinforcement learning techniques to assign weights to these features. Experiments across a variety of both simulated and real-world robot environments show that ALGAE learns generalizable reward functions defined on interpretable features using only small numbers of demonstrations. Importantly, ALGAE can recognize when features are missing, then extract and define those features without any human input – making it possible to quickly and efficiently acquire rich representations of user behavior. 

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Continuously Improving Mobile Manipulation with Autonomous Real-World RL

Russell Mendonca, Emmanuel Panov, Bernadette Bucher, Jiuguang Wang, Deepak Pathak

We present a fully autonomous real-world RL framework for mobile manipulation that can learn policies without extensive instrumentation or human supervision. This is enabled by 1) task-relevant autonomy, which guides exploration towards object interactions and prevents stagnation near goal states, 2) efficient policy learning by leveraging basic task knowledge in behavior priors, and 3) formulating generic rewards that combine human-interpretable semantic information with low-level, fine-grained observations. We demonstrate that our approach allows Spot robots to continually improve their performance on a set of four challenging mobile manipulation tasks, obtaining an average success rate of 80% across tasks, a 3-4× improvement over existing approaches.

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Equivariant Diffusion Policy 

Dian Wang, Stephen Hart, David Surovik, Tarik Kelestemur, Haojie Huang, Haibo Zhao, Mark Yeatman, Jiuguang Wang, Robin Walters, Robert Platt

Recent work has shown diffusion models are an effective approach to learning the multimodal distributions arising from demonstration data in behavior cloning. However, a drawback of this approach is the need to learn a denoising function, which is significantly more complex than learning an explicit policy. In this work, we propose Equivariant Diffusion Policy, a novel diffusion policy learning method that leverages domain symmetries to obtain better sample efficiency and generalization in the denoising function. We theoretically analyze the SO(2) symmetry of full 6-DoF control and characterize when a diffusion model is SO(2)-equivariant. We furthermore evaluate the method empirically on a set of 12 simulation tasks in MimicGen, and show that it obtains a success rate that is, on average, 21.9% higher than the baseline Diffusion Policy. We also evaluate the method on a real-world system to show that effective policies can be learned with relatively few training samples, whereas the baseline Diffusion Policy cannot.

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GenDP: 3D Semantic Fields for Category-Level Generalizable Diffusion Policy

Yixuan Wang, Guang Yin, Binghao Huang, Tarik Kelestemur, Jiuguang Wang, Yunzhu Li

Diffusion-based policies have shown remarkable capability in executing complex robotic manipulation tasks but lack explicit characterization of geometry and semantics, which often limits their ability to generalize to unseen objects and layouts. To enhance the generalization capabilities of Diffusion Policy, we introduce a novel framework that incorporates explicit spatial and semantic information via 3D semantic fields. We generate 3D descriptor fields from multi-view RGBD observations with large foundational vision models, then compare these descriptor fields against reference descriptors to obtain semantic fields. The proposed method explicitly considers geometry and semantics, enabling strong generalization capabilities in tasks requiring category-level generalization, resolving geometric ambiguities, and attention to subtle geometric details. We evaluate our method across eight tasks involving articulated objects and instances with varying shapes and textures from multiple object categories. Our method demonstrates its effectiveness by increasing Diffusion Policy’s average success rate on unseen instances from 20% to 93%. Additionally, we provide a detailed analysis and visualization to interpret the sources of performance gain and explain how our method can generalize to novel instances.

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Jacta: A Versatile Planner for Learning Dexterous and Whole-Body Manipulation 

Jan Brüdigam, Ali Adeeb Abbas, Maks Sorokin, Kuan Fang, Brandon Hung, Maya Guru, Stefan Sosnowski, Jiuguang Wang, Sandra Hirche, Simon Le Cleac’h

Robotic manipulation is challenging due to discontinuous dynamics, as well as high-dimensional state and action spaces. Data-driven approaches that succeed in manipulation tasks require large amounts of data and expert demonstrations, typically from humans. Existing planners are restricted to specific systems and often depend on specialized algorithms for using demonstrations. Therefore, we introduce a flexible motion planner tailored to dexterous and whole-body manipulation tasks. Our planner creates readily usable demonstrations for reinforcement learning algorithms, eliminating the need for additional training pipeline complexities. With this approach, we can efficiently learn policies for complex manipulation tasks, where traditional reinforcement learning alone only makes little progress. Furthermore, we demonstrate that learned policies are transferable to real robotic systems for solving complex dexterous manipulation tasks.

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Theia: Distilling Diverse Vision Foundation Models for Robot Learning

Jinghuan Shang, Karl Schmeckpeper, Brandon B. May, Maria Vittoria Minniti, Tarik Kelestemur, David Watkins, Laura Herlant

Vision-based robot policy learning, which maps visual inputs to actions, necessitates a holistic understanding of diverse visual tasks beyond single-task needs like classification or segmentation. Inspired by this, we introduce Theia, a vision foundation model for robot learning that distills multiple off-the-shelf vision foundation models trained on varied vision tasks. Theia’s rich visual representations encode diverse visual knowledge, enhancing downstream robot learning. Extensive experiments demonstrate that Theia outperforms its teacher models and prior robot learning models using less training data and smaller model sizes. Additionally, we quantify the quality of pre-trained visual representations and hypothesize that higher entropy in feature norm distributions leads to improved robot learning performance.

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