
We're creating future generations of robots.


Robotics has come a long way in the past 40 years, but we still have a long way to go.

We need to make robots smarter, more agile and dexterous, and generally easier to use — more like people. Once we do that, robots and other types of intelligent systems will increase productivity, free people from dangerous work, care for the disabled, and help people live better lives.

Marc Raibert

Executive Director, Robotics and AI Institute

We believe the development of future generations of intelligent machines requires four core areas of research.

Cognitive Intelligence

Robot’s ability to generalize, see relationships between things, use common sense, and plan.

Athletic Intelligence

Robot’s ability to physically carry out tasks using perception, locomotion, and balance.

Organic Design

Hardware development that brings robots closer to human-like capabilities.


Data collection on the implementation and use of robotics, as well as their impact on society.


Let’s change the way the world thinks of robots.

Join us in creating the world’s premier research institute focused on intelligent machines.

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Pushing the Pace of Progress

The Robotics and AI Institute aims to accelerate robotics and artificial intelligence research by bringing together top talent and the best elements of industry and...

CoRL 2024 Publication Round-Up

The annual Conference on Robot Learning (CoRL) takes place this week, November 6-9 in Munich, Germany. Read on to learn more about our accepted publications.